How To Register LOTTERY7 Account

Q: How do I register an account?
A: To register an account, please follow the steps below:
1. Please use this link to enter registration menu
2. Please enter the phone number. The number you entered must be correct and completed. The phone number is still active.
3. Put the correct verification code that you get in your registered number
4. Set your own login password; the password must be at least 8 digits and contain letters and numbers. You can't enter the symbol @*# at the front or back of the password you create.
5. Confirm the login password.
6. Enter the invitation code.
7. Click I have read and agree [Privacy Agreement].
8. Click on Register.


Q: How i can get the invitation code?
A: To get invitation code you can chat to your superior agent or a person that introduce LOTTERY7 to you

Q: What if i new comer i don't have any friend or anyone who play on LOTTERY7, so what i need do to get the invitation code?
A: Do not worry for invitation code if you don't have a friend or someone who playing on the LOTTERY7 and cannot giving invitation code, you can contact our main agent to help you, here is a link to the agents that are accessible:
Please get in touch with our agent and inform about your issue with invitation code not have

Log in to your LOTTERY7 account and click on the Invitation Center - Agent Specialist - Get the contact information of the general agent - after adding, the general agent will contact your superior agent for you
